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Family Three | Love Lines

LoveLine Golden Retrievers' home is located on our family farm in western Douglas County Georgia. LoveLine Goldens have access to acres of open fields and woodlands and spend hours each day running through the woods, fields, pastures, and lakes of the farm. Each dog also participates in a dog sport, work or service that is found suitable for its temperament and personality. Our adult dogs must be at least 2 years of age and must undergo numerous health screens before they are accepted into our breeding program.

  • loveline's guys

  • loveline's gals


LoveLine's Sweet Raham

Hebrew: describes God's gracious and merciful love for His children

Height at withers: 24 inches

Weight: 80 lbs

Color: Light Golden

Birthdate: December 30, 2011

Back in February 2012, when I was preparing to bring my newest puppy home, Rey, I was continuing my ongoing study of God’s love to find the perfect name for this new addition. I learned that God’s character of love is expressed toward us through 2 means; God’s mercy and grace. I chose the name Raham for my new puppy because the word clarifies the sovereign choice of God. God is gracious and merciful [raham] to whomever he chooses (Exodus 33:19), and I am so grateful that He has chosen me. In scripture, Raham is almost always paired with its sister word, Hen, or graciousness or favor, which is derived from Hanan which means to favor or grant mercy. These 2 names are so intertwined when referring to God’s character and his expression of love toward his children, that I knew when I named Rey (Raham), I would soon have to have a “Hannah”. Hannah is a Hebrew name derived from Hanan. Because God has been so merciful and so full of grace toward me and my family and also in blessing my Loveline business, I wanted to express my gratitude and recognition of His mercy and grace with 2 puppies that would reflect these characteristics. When my next litter of puppies came along, I found Rey nose to nose and snuggling with the same puppy more often than any other puppy. I felt that this puppy must be Raham’s Hannah! So, I never had to choose a name for my new puppy. I just had to find the puppy that fit the name! When I think of God’s grace in my life, I know that God has been so generous, blessing me beyond understanding because I know there is nothing deserving of His love in my life. God’s grace is expressed in the undeserved favor and gifts that God has bestowed on me. Hannah has expressed this character from the beginning. While she was still nursing, when I was nothing more than a large being in the room, Hannah would make eye contact with me. She would grace me with attention and affection before I had done anything in her life other than provide a whelping pen for her mother! I knew from the beginning that this puppy would be Rey’s Hannah! I guess this could be called an arranged marriage! Rey is our newest addition to the LoveLine Guys. Rey came to me after a year of our family experiencing many amazing examples of God’s mercy and grace on our lives. Rey reminds me of God’s sovereignty and His faithfulness and merciful love to those who fear Him. Back in February 2012, when I was preparing to bring my newest puppy home, Rey, I was continuing my ongoing study of God’s love to find the perfect name for this new addition. I chose the name Raham because the word clarifies the sovereign choice of God and I am so grateful that He has chosen me!


Loveline's Ahabah

Hebrew: God's loving kindness in condescending to the needs of His creatures that emanates from God

Height at withers: 24 inches

Weight: 85 lbs.

Color: Dark Golden

Birthdate: September 1, 2010

Hobby is our MAN, our current stud dog. He is the love of my life. His name comes from the Bible passage, Jeremiah 31: 3 ; "I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness (ahabah)." When I first saw Hobby, he sat and stared at me with adoring eyes. He drew me to himself reminding me of how the Lord has drawn me with His everlasting love.


Loveline's Righteous Tzedakah

Hebrew: Tzeda's name is a reminder to me of what the Lord requires of me...."to act justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with my God." Micah 6:8. 

Height at withers: 22

Weight: 73 lbs.

Color: Light Golden

Birthdate: December 18, 2016

Tzeda's attitude is one of acting justly to all, animals and people alike. She loves everyone and everything!  She forgives freely and never takes revenge. She challenges me daily to be patient with everyone and act justly to all.


(we call her Chess)
Loveline's Steadfast Checed

Hebrew: God’s Steadfast Love and Faithfulness

Height at withers: 20 inches

Weight: 59 lbs

Color: Dark Golden

Birthdate: May 1, 2015

Around the time that Chece was born, I had been doing a study on the steadfast love of the Lord. I learned that this term is used 196 times in the Old Testament and 127 times in the New Testament.  “Steadfast love” is a translation from the Hebrew word chesed, found approximately 250 times in the Hebrew Bible. I realized from this study that God wants me to know that I can rely on His love. That His is a faithful and committed love. Why else would He tell us so many times?   I love the Hebrew word "Checed" and decided that my puppy would take on this name to remind me of God's Steadfast love for me.


Loveline's New Eleos

Greek: God's mercy, kindness or good will toward the miserable and afflicted, joined with a desire to relieve them 

Height at withers: 21

Weight: 63 lbs.

Color: Golden

Ellie is a daily reminder to me of my favorite verse in Scripture: "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23  Ellie is a gentle spirit whose compassion and kindness for all people and all animals is refreshing.  She is a seeker of those who are suffering and lost.


Loveline's Eis Anamnesis Agape

Greek: In Memory of Agape

Height at withers: 24 1/2 inches

Weight: 62 lbs.

Color: Dark Golden

Birthdate: December 5, 2013

Agape was born in December after we lost our original Agape in January of 2013. It was only fitting that we name our 2013 puppy after our Loveline Matriarch.  Agape is the greek word for unconditional love...the love that God has for His own people.  It is quite appropriate that our Agape has become a Search and Rescue dog who seeks after and saves lost souls.  Agape's penetrating, clear, focused eyes are what drew me to her in the litter and her eyes continue to draw me in and penetrate my heart with her endearing love.


Loveline’s Undeserved Hannah

Hebrew: God’s love expressed by His grace, realized in Jesus Christ

Height at withers: 21 inches

Weight: 65 lbs.

Color: Light Golden

Birthdate: May 18, 2012

Back in February 2012, when I was preparing to bring my newest puppy home, Rey, I was continuing my ongoing study of God’s love to find the perfect name for this new addition. I learned that God’s character of love is expressed toward us through 2 means; God’s mercy and grace. I chose the name Raham for my new puppy because the word clarifies the sovereign choice of God.  

 God is gracious and merciful [raham] to whomever he chooses (Exodus 33:19), and I am so grateful that He has chosen me. In scripture, Raham is almost always paired with its sister word, Hen, or graciousness or favor, which is derived from Hanan which means to favor or grant mercy. These 2 names are so intertwined when referring to God’s character and his expression of love toward his children, that I knew when I named Rey (Raham), I would soon have to have a “Hannah”. Hannah is a Hebrew name derived from Hanan. Because God has been so merciful and so full of grace toward me and my family and also in blessing my Loveline business, I wanted to express my gratitude and recognition of His mercy and grace with 2 puppies that would reflect these characteristics. When my next litter of puppies came along, I found Rey nose to nose and snuggling with the same puppy more often than any other puppy. I felt that this puppy must be Raham’s Hannah! So, I never had to choose a name for my new puppy. I just had to find the puppy that fit the name! When I think of God’s grace in my life, I know that God has been so generous, blessing me beyond understanding because I know there is nothing deserving of His love in my life. God’s grace is expressed in the undeserved favor and gifts that God has bestowed on me. Hannah has expressed this character from the beginning. While she was still nursing, when I was nothing more than a large being in the room, Hannah would make eye contact with me. She would grace me with attention and affection before I had done anything in her life other than provide a whelping pen for her mother! I knew from the beginning that this puppy would be Rey’s Hannah! I guess this could be called an arranged marriage!

Hubiba (Retired)

Loveline's Ira El Iraq Mas Hubiba

Arabic: To Iraqwith My Love

Height at withers: 21 inches

Weight: 65 lbs.

Color: Golden

Birthdate: February 5, 2008

Biba was added to the Loveline family right after my husband went to Iraq. She has been a great companion to comfort me while my love was in the war zone of Iraq for 3 years. It is only natural that upon his return, my husband and Biba have become inseparable friends....he calls her his "girlfriend".

  • loveline’s patriarch

  • loveline’s matriarch

Phileo de Theos

Phil (deceased)

Greek: God's Unconditional Love

Height at withers: 21 inches

Weight: 65 lbs.

Color: Golden

August 5, 1998 - January 20, 2013

April 9, 2012 Phileo: Today I am mourning the passing of an old friend. Friendships are precious and old friendships, lasting friendships, friendships that have endured neglect and mistreatment, friendships that can never be replicated or replaced are rare. My daughter’s first male Golden Retriever, Phileo de Theos, was one of those kinds of friends. We had to have Phil put to sleep today... and unfortunately, no, tragically, it was not because of old age or illness. It was due to a freak accident. But the cause is not to be pondered. God’s timing is perfect in every detail of our lives. Instead, Phil’s life is to be celebrated and remembered. Phileo’s name is one of the greek words for love used in the New Testament. It is the love between brothers. It is the love God calls us to have for our neighbors. “Love your neighbor as yourself”. There is no greater love than that of a friend. “Greater love has no man than that he lay down his life for a friend”. This is the kind of love that I experienced from Phileo. You may laugh because you say “he was only a dog”. But anyone who has had a dog that has lived over a decade understands the relationship and bond that builds between you and a canine friend in that length of time. Phil was my hero. He sought out, alerted to and fought off many unseen dangers on our farm. I knew when walking in the woods, I was safe with Phil on point.

Agape (deceased 1/20/2013)

Agape de Theos

Greek: Brotherly Love

Height at withers: 24 1/2 inches

Weight: 72 lbs.

Color: Golden

January 26, 2000 - April 9, 2012

“I knew January 20, 2013 would be the last day for Agape when I let her out of her crate that morning and she did not even want to come out. She did not walk with us. And after she ate her breakfast, I found that she had vomited the little bit that she ate. Agape would have been 15 years old in August of 2013. She was our first Golden. She was my daughter's gift for her 9th birthday. Agape was the epitome of unconditional love, which is the meaning of her name. Agape gave LoveLine our name. Agape gave us our first litter of Golden Retriever puppies, and she gave us our first experience at hand feeding a litter of 9 puppies, because she became very ill with a severe infection after her delivery. And she gave our children, especially my daughter, Hannah, an education that can never be duplicated. The best word that I can find to describe Agape is constant. She was always there for us, for my daughter. She endured whatever life gave her. She loved her tennis ball, but only if you bounced it for her....she never really wanted to run away from us! She was also a very patient therapy dog, giving much joy to the residents at our local nursing home. One of my favorite memories of Agape is when she was a model for a local oil painting class. She sat on her sofa for over 2 hours while the students painted her portrait! Agape will be sorely missed, but she gave us a very long life, full of love and joy, as every Golden should!

  • in memoriam

Morey (deceased 6/12/2011)

That’s Amoree

Italian: A heart felt devotion and attraction to another

Height at withers: 23 inches

Weight: 75 lbs

Color: Golden

Birthdate: May 11, 2002

At the time I bought Morey, my goal had been to add a new female pup to the Loveline family. But when I saw Morey, I knew it was love! When the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie, That's Amore! Morey was my first love and continued to be a devoted companion and wonderful therapy dog until the day he died. I miss you, Morey.

Hess (deceased 5/4/2014)

Loveline's Excellent Hesed

Hebrew:  Jehovah’s Covenant Love

Height at withers: 22 inches

Weight: 70 lbs.

Color: Light Golden

Birthdate: July 5, 2009

Hess came to the Loveline family with great hopes of being the Best of the best! She is a champion all the way, holding great promise as a competitor and a producer. She is the dog that Jehovah has promised! Her love for me reminds me of God's covenant love for us all.